AssetSmart is 100% focused on software solutions for lifecycle management and optimization of technology asset portfolios. Our Asset Management 360 (AM360) model is unique in providing a true 360-degree view of an organization's entire asset portfolio across all property types, ownership categories and physical sites. The flagship SMART|PEMS module tracks individually-tagged major items such as computers, test instruments, special tooling or vehicles, while the SMART|TMAS module tracks bulk material such as consumable supplies, end-item component parts, repairables, spares, handheld crib tools, or raw materials. TMAS supports serialization plus ownership and cost tracking down to the contract/program and bin location level. The SMART|EZ-Move module facilitates all types of property movement using pick-lists, email alerts and auto-generated shipping forms. As the most functionally robust solution available, AssetSmart is also the most flexible with its open architecture and integration tool kit empowering organizations to seamlessly connect with ERP and other mission-critical applications.